On Wednesday night at Bible study two weeks ago, we were asked to share our testimony. I was super duper nervous. I've never given my testimony. What would I share? I thought I had it planned out in my head, but when I started talking my voice grew shaky and I began jumping around. It was pretty bad, honestly. I decided to write my testimony and share it with everyone on the blog!
Elementary school- I was saved around age 5 by my Grandma Alyce. She is a very devout Christian and I admire her so much. I was 8 years old when I got baptized at my church.
Middle School- I met lots of different people in middle school and started going to my friend's youth group. From there, I attended camp with her church as well. I will admit I went to camp for the social aspect of it all, but I did gain a lot from it in the end. I cheered in middle school which was a very negative atmosphere.
High School- Freshman year// Ahhh the time where literally everything changes. I was lost in the friend department my freshman year. I had drifted from the friend I was attending camp with at the time. My parents got divorced. I attended a service camp along with church camp. I LOVED the service camp. It felt awesome helping people in need right in my home town.
Sophomore Year// I was on the cheerleading squad again. I grew closer with my friend Hannah who I've known since elementary school. At the time, all of my friends had boyfriends. I felt sooo left out, which was really dumb. But Hannah showed me these books that were about finding a Christian boy. I loved them so much. Hannah and I talked about our lives in depth and I just really enjoyed having her company. She challenged me as Christian and helped keep me in check with my beliefs. Together, we revived our school's SADD club which brought us even closer.
Junior year// I was reading my bible somewhat regularly. School was hard. I had a fling with my now boyfriend that would never seem to go right.
Senior year// THIS WAS THE BEST YEAR. I felt connected with God, my friends, and the same guy from Junior year. I loved it. It was very stress free.
Freshman & Sophomore year of college// I finally started dating the boy from high school. He got his act together and I'm in a healthy relationship for the most part. I have very few friends at school which has really SUCKED. My first semester of freshman year all I wanted to do was to transfer. Dating Matthew helped curve that feeling some, but some days are worse than others. I have a lot of FOMO, but my time at community college is wrapping and I am soooo looking forward to it.
My only problem has been in college is that I have never been so far apart from God. I rarely read my bible nor do I attend church regularly. This semester, I have started going to a bible study which has really helped my relationship with Jesus. I am still not where I want to be.
Things I probably left out: During all of my school years, my aunt would always keep in touch with me every now and then and see how I was doing. She would ask me about my faith, recommend books and just pray for me. She has always had a positive influence on my life and one day I hope to become a woman of God just like her.
At Bible Study we were asked who influenced us the most while growing with God and I would most definitely say my Grandma Alyce, my aunt, and Hannah.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016