My Christmas List

Hey y'all!

Now that exams are finally over, I thought it would be time to share what is on my Christmas list! Exams were crazy because Chapel Hill got around 10 inches of snow in the middle of exam week. I do not do well with major weather occurrences that change up my routine, so exam week was extra stressful, but I made some of my best grades since being at Carolina! So without further ado...

Monogram Necklace: A ton of girls have been wearing these lately, I kind of want one with my name on it, but I feel like that is a little too bold for me. For now I will stick it out with the B. I have a lot of dainty gold necklaces, but I feel like people don't notice them. I think this one will be cool and more noticeable. 

Steve Madden Shoes: I really haven't had a new pair of dressy shoes in a while. I am also the WORST at walking in heels. These meet my height requirements with an added sense of elegance. Hopefully I get these and I can't wait to wear them!

Perfume: I've really been torn between Ralph Lauren Romance and YSL Mon Paris perfumes. I've been using all three of the Tory Burch perfumes since early high school and figured it was time to change it up. I'll be happy with either scent.

BeautyCounter Best of: My aunt is a BeautyCounter consultant and she has let me try out a lot of her products. My favorite is the 3 Balancing Charcoal Mask. I've had a small tube for about a year and I am almost out. It is so fascinating to watch the mask dry to see your pores (weird I know), but I have been wanting to take better care of my skin and have more products of my own, so I thought this set would be nice to receive!

Drunk Elephant Lippe Balm: In continuation of the skin care theme, my lips are constantly dry! Thanks to my favorite YouTubers Brooke Miccio and Danielle Carolan, I have been wanting to try Drunk Elephant products. Hopefully this balm is high quality!

Teddy Bear Coat: I wasn't originally going to ask for a teddy coat because I'm not sure if I'd wear it, but it seems to be the go to fashion piece this season and I feel like I'd regret it if I didn't end up getting one because it isn't something I'd necessarily buy for myself. The jacket looks super warm so I can't go wrong!

Bose SoundLink II Bluetooth Speaker: I don't have a bluetooth speaker of my own, so I figured it would be a great gift to ask for especially as I am emerging to real life adulthood come May. You can never go wrong with Bose speakers!

Lululemon Align Crop: Spoiler Alert... I already got these from my boyfriend's parents this past weekend because that is when they do Christmas and I made the graphic way before then (oops). But these are my first lulu leggings! Y'all, I feel so lame, but I see the hype!!! They are amazing and I also got a lulu giftcard so maybe I will purchase another pair after Christmas. 

What I've Learned This Semester

I cannot believe we are a month out from exams... I have mixed feelings about it. I'm only interested in half of my classes and the other half I really enjoy. On Monday, I registered for classes for the last time... EVER (for a while at least). This semester has by far been better than my whole last year at UNC. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed myself, but there were a lot more lows.

1. I am an introvert. I had always been told by my family that I am an introvert. Last year, I hated being alone though. I guess that was due to the fact that my roommates were always gone and were not as close as I had anticipated that we would be. This year living in a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house, I have learned that I do miss being lonesome more than I had expected. Not to mention that I have all of my meals in the main sorority house, so I constantly surrounded by sisters. I really do love the company, but it's comical looking back on how lonely I was sometimes last year. It's definitely all about balance at the end of the day. 

2. I love to learn. Although some of my classes are not very interesting, the ones I do like are soooooo entertaining. I have rarely skipped class this semester (something I did frequently last year). I'm sure if it's because I live close to campus/ my roommates are more responsible or the combination of multiple factors, but it has not happened too much this semester and it truly does make a difference. Now, if I could just focus better when I am working on my homework! My favorite class is Intro to Human Development and Family Studies which most first years take who want to go into education. While I did choose this class as an elective, I knew it would be very interesting to me as I hope to be a guidance counselor one day.

3. I have found my best friends. This is so cheesy and sappy but I do love my friends here at Carolina so much. They are so supportive and REAL. It's not like high school where you had to be friends with certain people. I love spending time with my sisters (to an extent though, see point number 1 lol). They definitely keep you accountable and are a strong support system.

I am sad to see this semester end and next semester will be bittersweet for sure. How have your semesters gone so far?!

A Day in My LIfe

Happy October!

Okay sorry I have been so MIA. School has been going GREAT (knock on wood)! Recruitment was so much fun and kept me super busy which is what I needed. I really developed a routine with my schoolwork and recruitment practice schedule, but of course as soon as I got comfortable in that schedule, bid day rolled around! We seriously had the BEST bid day theme... HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! Growing up those were my favorite movies and I was insanely obsessed and I will debate you on that if you disagree as I still I have my Barbie Sharpay and her convertible unopened!!!

After bid day, Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina and we were out of school for five days. There was no major damage done in Chapel Hill, thankfully! Because of where Florence was making landfall, I opted to not go home because they were calling for my town to flood and I figured it would be dumb to leave and head towards the storm. Instead, I went to my aunt's house that is two hours west of Chapel Hill. I had a fun time while I was there. I wish I had just been more present while I was there, but I was super on edge wondering when I could go back to school and I missed my boyfriend! 

Last week was our first full week of school this year which is crazy to think. I have finally gotten somewhat of a routine to share with you guys! 

The reason that there are two times for each event is to reflect my schedule. My Tuesday/Thursday times are first because my day begins earlier following my Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule. 

Wake Up// Don't think I get up out of bed an hour before my classes start... This is just when my first alarms go off and I decide to catch up on my social media from the night before. I always check my emails in hopes of a class getting cancelled, but that has yet to happen to me. Sometimes I will shower if I get up early enough and have some remaining homework, I might shower since I have the time. 

Class// On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I only have one class in the mornings at 9:30 and on MWF I have one class at 10 then another at 11:15 until 12:05. Mondays definitely feel like such longer days, but I enjoy those two classes more than my morning TTH class.

Lunch// One thing Alpha Chi at UNC prides itself on is the food. I am not exaggerating, but it is one of my favorite things about my days. They are well balanced and delicious. We get home made cookies everyday for a dessert at lunch as well which I am a sucker for. It is just a nice break from our hectic days to chill for a bit and talk to our sisters. 

Class// It is always so hard for me to go to my last class of the day... especially on MWF when it is economics. I don't understand it and it does not really come easy to me. I should probably devote more time to the class, but it is one of those classes if you aren't interested then it is just not going to happen. 

Relax// Sorry this one is so random, but really every day varies. Some days I will nap, go on a Dunkin' run with my boyfriend, or watch Netflix. It can be hard sometimes to make myself do homework right after class. I have always done my homework after dinner... even when I was in elementary school and was supposed to do my homework at after school care, I would talk and hang out instead. I don't think my mom was a big fan of that, but old habits die hard! But let's be honest that window from 2-5:30 is a great time to dedicate to some self care! 5:30 is when we have dinner together at Alpha Chi. Afterwards, I will come back and force myself to sit down and crank out some reading for my classes and do assignments if need be. 

Happy October!

What does your fall semester look like?


Charleston Recap

A couple of weekends ago my mom and I ventured to Charleston. Since the beginning of Southern Charm, the Bravo series just recently ending its 5th season, I have longed to visit the Holy City. The trip was a nice mom-daughter get away before I headed back to school this past week and a great way to continue my 21st birthday celebration. This recap is long overdue and probably will not do the trip justice.

Upon arrival on Thursday, we had dinner at The Charleston Grill. It was fabulous! My mom and I decided to just order a bunch of smaller plates instead of splurging on large ones that we would probably not finish. We told the waiters that we here in Charleston to celebrate my birthday and they surprised us with glasses of dessert wine and this variety plate of sweets at the end of our meal. I thought it was so nice of them! 

(Isn't my mom so FAB!?)

Friday was spent exploring the city with lots of shopping!  I got lots of transitional pieces for the fall that I cannot wait to wear while we were out and about! I really enjoyed going to the market. We went on Thursday, but it was very overwhelming to say the least. But we went back on Friday and I found some souvenirs. I really want to get a hand weaved straw basket one day! We had lunch at Poogan's Porch surrounded by three different bachelorette parties. (They were e v e r y w h e r e!!!)

On Saturday, my mom and I went to Middleton Place, a well-known Charleston Plantation. I had read a lot of mixed reviews on visiting plantations when planning our vacay, but I had never seen one before and they were advertised quite a bit around the town. After some brief research Thursday night, we found that Middleton Place had the best reviews overall, not to mention they had a dining option! The food was great! It has been very rainy in Charleston according to the locals, which made for a very peaceful day on the plantation. The rain held off thankfully once we were there! The house in the picture above is actually one of the side houses of the property. The main house was burned  during the Civil War and ultimately collapsed during an earthquake in the 1880s and along with the other side house. The house that remains has been remodeled and restored on the inside to resemble what the main house would have looked like during its peak. Members of the Middleton Family donated many of their possessions to the property for tourists to see.

I thoroughly enjoyed our trip and was much needed if I do say so myself! I cannot wait to go back one day!


Mini Back to School Haul!!!

Hey y'all!!!! Today makes it officially ONE WEEK until I move back to Chapel Hill for the school, even though I've gone at least once a week since I moved back in early July. I am ready to establish an everyday routine tbh. 

Since my junior year of high school, I used an LL Bean Deluxe book bag. Honestly it's still in good condition, but it kind of feels grimy even though I have washed it (I mean four years of using backpack... think of all of the places its been...) so I wanted to change it up for senior year and be a little more sanitary. I really did not want to splurge though. 

I tried using a North Face backpack last year which ended up being EXTREMELY heavy without anything in it. (I don't remember the style but I know it wasn't the typical Jester or Recon that most people use). I switched back to my trusty LL Bean by the end of my first week. It was great since I lived so far from campus, I could really load up on everything I needed for the day since I would be out of my apartment from 8-6 most days.

This year I am using the Kanken backpack.  I had a gift card to Great Outdoor Provisions since Christmas and decided that after nearly a year later that I should put it to use. I also signed up for their emails and got 10% off my purchase. I definitely got this backpack at a great price. I have been eyeing these for years, but knew they would be too small for all I would need especially during my high school career. This year I am living a BLOCK from campus. Literally will be a 10 minute walk to most of my classes like how insane is that!? I know I will definitely not have to load up everything each day and I am not working on campus so there are not many "What-Ifs". 

The backpack is a lot smaller than what I am used to, but I think it will prevent me from overpacking. Also, one of my MUST-HAVES on backpacks especially as a college student are side compartments to hold water bottles. That was a make-it or break-it deal when I was shopping around.

This year I decided instead of having an individual notebook for every single class that I instead use two 3-subject notebooks. I either have two classes a day or three classes a day so this works perfectly. This should keep my load a little lighter as well. I used a 2-subject notebook this summer for my 2 classes and it honestly just felt more efficient. 

Also, the Kanken has a laptop sleeve (!!!) which I was not expecting or even looking for really but this will be perfect! I know my MacBook Air will fit perfectly because it is so slim. My Lenovo should fit as well, but it is just a little more bulky compared to my Mac. 

My boyfriend gave me Emily Ley's Simplified Planner Daily Edition in the Minted Pineapple print for my birthday. I have ALWAYS loved Emily Ley, but could not let myself spend $60 on a planner. I really didn't know what to ask for this year and I saw this was the last print she had in stock, I had to ask for it. I couldn't deprive myself from Emily's genius any longer!

Last year, I didn't use up that many pens or pencils, but I cannot resist purchasing new ones for the school year. I purchased the Pilot Frixion pens. They are so cool because they erase with a rubbery-plastic end - an eraser that doesn't wear away! I bought this three pack of fancy mechanical pencils called Clearpoint that I have seen people use for ages. I think I used one of my sister's recently and found that they wrote really well! 

Side note: Has anyone else felt like Target's school supply section is super empty this year?? Every time I go, there are a lot of empty shelves. I just can't believe people are buying that much supplies so early. 
In addition to this, I found these supplies at Target. Initially in the school supply section. I had the Frixion pens in red, black, and blue. In the back of my mind I knew I would never use the red, but I wanted the Frixion pens. Secondly, there was a two pack of the same pencils for like a $1.50 more which I thought was ridiculous, but it's the price you pay for quality products but I knew other places had them for a little cheaper. I decided to look in the office supplies section just to double check. I actually found this ALL BLACK set of Frixion pens for $1 cheaper and this THREE set of Clear Point pencils for $1.50 cheaper. 

In short, if you want some of the less basic type of school supplies make sure you aren't getting scammed!!!! I was really proud of myself for finding these bargains. 

What school supplies are you using this year?


Dealing with Comparison

For me, my summer's are usually spent traveling to places across the United States whether it be Florida or somewhere out west. I honestly felt like I was extremely cultured compared to people in my small hometown (and I probably still am), but my mindset has completely changed this summer. So many people I have met at college have gone abroad and for some this isn't their first time in the last year! People are not only going to Europe, but to Jerusalem, Australia, and parts of Asia...places I can never imagine going.  I catch myself thinking I will never be able to spend a semester away like that...

This summer I have one vacation planned which I leave for TOMORROW (!!!!) and I am so excited to be headed to Charleston and to be somewhere new. This is rare that I do not really go anywhere until the end of the summer, but this is partially due to me being in summer school. 

But with social media, I feel like my weekend trip does not equate to the dozens of girls who have studied abroad or who have gone to exotic places with their families. I know social media is just a highlight reel of everyone's trips because strangely enough, many people say upon returning from their abroad trips that their time was actually very lonely. And I just sit there like ???? You were on the trip of a lifetime.... (Disclaimer: I am not trying to put down people who went abroad, I have been abroad before for a few days and it was amazing!)

I honestly do not handle jealousy or FOMO very well. I feel like I haven't done enough with what I've been given and this summer I really found myself thinking like this. Inevitably, I have unfollowed the people that I don't really interact with, but are constantly going places this summer. For me, this is a way of me making strides to compare less and enjoy what I've been given more (no matter how harsh people may think I'm being towards others).  I just have to remember that I cannot always sit and be down on myself about my current situation and to instead relish in my slow, easy summer before the school year kicks in because honestly after the school year I had, I really did need time to get myself together mentally more than a trip thousands of miles away. I know that my trip with my mom will be more meaningful to us given the season of life we are in at this very point in time.

For those of you who have spent their summer at home and/or close to home, have you felt like this?


Reading Lately + Future Read

Good morning!

Today, I am going to be talking about books that I have read so far this summer! Last summer, my job was babysitting a few days a week and my friends were living in their college towns for the summer giving me a lot of free time. It was really nice looking back since I was making a huge move to Chapel Hill that August. It allowed me to be stress free (although I found a way to be stressed about my move)... Anyways, with my free time I picked up reading. Honestly, I had not read a book for pleasure since elementary school. That is kind of embarrassing to admit to say the least. 

During my time last summer, I found reading to be soooo relaxing. I didn't have reports to write on these books or Accelerated Reader goals I had to meet. I was reading at my own pace. Reading became my own personal escape. I read probably 8 books last summer which was phenomenal. 

So far this summer, I have read 5 books, but the summer isn't over yet! I was in summer school the first part of the summer, so I had a slightly later start. So far, I have read "Modern Lovers", "Crazy Rich Asians" (series) by Kevin Kwan, and I read Emily Giffin's latest "All We Ever Wanted" (in three days). Giffin's book was very fast-paced and enjoyable. 

I'll be honest, I started Modern Lovers in November... I did not have a lot of free time during the school year and when I did, reading was the last thing I wanted to do since I had so much for class. Once school ended before summer school, I began to really read the book. Honestly, it was one of the worst books I have read. There seemed to be a lot of hype behind this author given her other book "The Vacationers" which I have not read. 

I have raved about this so much to everyone I have talked to, but I loveeee Crazy Rich Asians. I read all three books within a month. The last one only took me a week to read. I have to say the last one might have been my favorite. They are just so light and funny. There's a few plot twists which kept me on my toes! I can't wait for the movie come August 15th (a Wednesday!!!!!)

Next on my list, is "The Identicals" by Elin Hilderbrand. The book came out last summer, but I believe only hardback was available and since I was just getting into reading I didn't want to full on splurge. But this summer, I HAD to get my hands on it. My mom is currently reading it and I am waiting to steal it back from her! (I was the one who bought it hehe) Even when I made the purchase at Barnes and Noble, the cashier said it was a great book which makes me even more excited to get to it!

Our 3 Year Dating Anniversary

On Tuesday, Matthew and I celebrated 3 years of dating. Technically, our actual anniversary is Saturday, but Tuesday worked better with our schedules. We went to Charlotte (one of our favorite cities) and spent the day there!

Upon arrival, we immediately went to Shake Shack... Matthew had not been there since we went to New York for Thanksgiving 2 years ago! It was sooooo good per usual.
Afterwards, we went to SouthPark and Swoozies. Surprisingly, I did not find anything at the mall... (shocking, right!?) Then at Swoozies, Matthew bought me this hat as an anniversary gift. I have been wanting an aviate hat for a few months now and what a fun way to remember our trip to Charlotte!

Matthew had never been to my aunt's house that's about an hour away from Charlotte, so we decided to stop by there. It was such a beautiful day there and we got to explore their land on the gator!

We ended the night with dinner at Bonefish which was really good and different because I don't eat seafood that much, but I really enjoyed it.

Here's to many more years together!

Birthday Party Inspiration

Good morning!

My birthday is coming up in just a little over a week (July 21st to be exact). I really haven't had a party since I turned 19. That year, I asked for a surprise party and ended up with two! 

Now that I am finally away from home and have an apartment, I thought it would be fun (and nerve racking) to have my hometown and Chapel Hill worlds collide. Also, Pinterest has so many cute party decoration ideas that it was hard to resist to not plan something for my day!

I really think I'm going for a cactus/pineapple/gold theme. I have found some pieces at Target (hellooooo dollar section) and have searched Amazon and Pinterest as well. 

PARTY IN A CUP! Love this so much! $12 | Urban Outfitters Disco Cactus Sipper Cup

I found this cup at Urban Outfitters for $8 the other week with my mom. Everyone on their 21st has their special cup and I felt like this one really fit my theme!

CHEERS! Gold Mylar Balloons
These cheers balloons were in a pack at Target for like $5. I know you can find them almost anywhere for fairly cheap, so make sure you don't completely over pay!

Lastly, everyone seems to have a wall for photo ops which is one of the last decorations I am still trying to narrow my vision on. 

500 Likes, 19 Comments - Louisa@littlebigcompany (@littlebigcompany) on Instagram: “Streamer backdrop love by @florenceknows_____ ”

I really like this option, of course I wouldn't have the "one" balloons, but the "CHEERS" banner would be a good replacement! This could be done very easily on a budget as well!

Garden party 1st birthday for Zoe | Lynette Boyle Photography |  100 Layer Cakelet

I really like the pom poms from this backdrop as well and I found a party set on Amazon that had some similar. 

Side note: Amazon has some great party sets with balloons, streamers and tassel banners that end up being like 36 pieces all for $20 or less! I am tempted to order one myself, but there are so many options that I cannot commit just yet! If I go with one of them I will post about their quality and if it was worth it!

Do you have any party supply suggestions!?


My Recent Purchases

Good morning, friends!

In preparation for my trip to Charleston and just wanting to vamp up my wardrobe for the summer, I am sharing some things I have purchased recently.

Bevello is my go to store. They have GREAT brands all of which are of great quality. I can always count on them having clothes that are in my "vision" of the perfect outfit. Since I am on the shorter side, I have really struggled trying to find a jumpsuit that won't swallow me whole. (I did find one at bevello, but I prefer the one I am sharing with you!) I have been loving this trend of the capri jumpsuits because they would fit me better. I found this one and it is perfect! The material is sooo soft and light aka perfect for Charleston! I will also be able to wear it on game days in August and September! (Go heels!) 
I have also been eyeing these trendy tortoise earrings as well through bevello's instagram for WEEKS. I love the twist on this classic print and I finally got them! I can't wait to pair them with my everyday outfits!

Next, I decided to update some parts of my make up routine at Sephora. I have seen so many recommendations for IT Cosmetics' CC cream "Your Skin but Better". I honestly do not have a make up "holy grail". My mom is constantly trying out new products and she's always switching up products. She's always giving me products that she's tried, but didn't care for so I would give them a try. I guess I get my desire to switch up my routine from her. I had been using Laura Mercier's Tinted Moisturizer. I have liked it, but I feel like my make up looks more oily. I have normal skin so I can definitely notice this difference. (Note: When I looked up the tinted moisturizer on Sephora's website to link it for you, I noticed that there is an oil free option... maybe I will give that a go next time)
Lastly, I had seen lots of recommendations for NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer Mini. I'm not a huge concealer girl, but I know I need to start adapting it into my everyday makeup routine. I love NARS products. They are all just really pretty to look at in the store lol. I have only used the Orgasm Blush Stick from NARS so I am excited to try a new NARS product!

What are your most recent summer purchases?


Summer Vibes

Today I am sharing songs that I've been playing non-stop this summer. I know these songs are not super new, but I have been in a music funk for the last year! These songs are my first steps as to getting out of it lol. I also didn't realize that I had two songs by Electric Guest UNTIL I was making the graphic for the post. Also, 'It Feels Good' is off of Leon Bridges latest album and I loved his first album so much (it literally sounds like songs from fifties). His second album has not disappointed!

Follow me on Spotify here!

What songs have you been listening to this summer?


What I'm Loving Lately

Hi friends!

Summer school is officially over and I am now adjusting to not having ANY due dates. I also started a new job this past week, so I am learning the ropes there. Here are just a few things I've been loving post-summer school!

1. Foreo Play- I received this in my Fab Fit Fun box and this was the main item I wanted from it. It is a face cleanser, BUT it syncs with an app and has skin sensors on the back that tell you how moisturized regions of your face are AND the age of your skin. I use the sensors before I wash and after (idk if that's normal, but it keeps me motivated). One day, prior to washing my face, it said my skin was 21 years old and then after washing it said my skin was 19 years old! Then, I skipped a few days of washing my face (oops!) and the sensors said my skin was 23 years old like whaaat?! Then I washed it and it said it was 21 years old. Also, when you wash your face with foreo, the vibrations pause when you have washed the area of your face long enough. I find this product really fascinating because I never wash my face with a cleanser.  I usually just use a hot rag in the shower before washing my body. BUT my skin rarely breaks out and when I would use cleansers I would actually break out.... weird I know. But I really love the analytical side of this product, so I can see what my skin needs!

2. Planet Fitness- Yes, there is a gym at my apartment, but I have literally been there once. I joined planet fitness because there are wayyyy more machines and I can watch TV while I work out without having to read the subtitles. I also am planning to meet with a trainer to get a work out routine in place. Something else I never do: work out. Before I joined Planet Fitness last week, I hadn't worked out since OCTOBER. Although, going to the gym is not a part of my everyday routine, I have enjoyed my membership at Planet Fitness thus far!

3. China Rich Girlfriend- Fun fact about me: I like to read. I discovered this last summer when I was only babysitting a couple of times a week, but needed to find something to do in my free time. I am a little behind on my summer reading this year. Last summer, I read about 8-10 books. I hadn't read that much since elementary school. I didn't get to read for fun during the school year and summer school because I was really busy and when I had free time I wanted to do literally anything else. (oh and I had to read for class ;) ) Anyways, this book is apart of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy. China Rich Girlfriend is the second in the series. I'm really enjoying it, but am trying to figure out why it has this title and I'm almost 300 pages in, but I still like it! Last summer, I read a lot of Elin Hildenbrand and Emily Giffin. I hope to get my hands on Emily Giffin's new book after I finish this trilogy!

4. Straw bags- My mom bought me this bag for our trip to Charleston (!!!!!) coming up in August. Honestly, I have not had the chance to use the bag yet, but it is soooo cute! I am loving the straw bag trend this season. Take a cute bag + some espadrilles (another trend I am LOVING) and you have yourself a chic, on trend outfit!! Shamefully,  I will admit that I am already planning my outfits and photo ops in Charleston. I PRAY that I see a cast member from Southern Charm aka my inspiration for this trip! I have been watching the show from the very first season aka my JUNIOR year of high school and I am obsessed!!!!!!!!

What have you been loving so far this summer?


SUMMER (kinda)

Good morning, friends!!

Summer school started on Wednesday so that has really only given me a week off from school before having to jump back in with new classes. One is face to face every day from 11:30-1 and the other class is online. I am really looking forward to establishing the same routine each day, but I am nervous about the online class as it is the hardest class for my major (but this will be better than taking it at 8 AM MWF during the fall semester!).

I have come home every weekend for the past three weekends... which is more than I have come home during each semester. The two hour drive can be exhausting for me (props to you all who drive 4+ hours for school... what's your secret!?) Although I did not spend Memorial Day weekend in Chapel Hill, I am looking forward to being at the beach with my boyfriend and his family!


I cannot believe that the school year is wrapping up! There have been lots of ups and downs this year from adjusting to living on my own and making new friends to relearning how to put school first. I have made some of the best friends here at Carolina and can't wait to spend the remainder of the school year with them and on to the next year (with the exception of those graduating :(!)

With the end of the semester comes spring break, formal, tests,more tests, and recruitment practice.

Here are my friends and I in St. Augustine, Florida. It was a little chillier than anticipated for Florida weather, but I had so much fun not worrying about school and exploring with them! We spent of our days walking around downtown and saw Kenan College...Fun Fact: The founder of the school was the wife of the founder of our business school at UNC!! We also got to tour a local chocolate factory which was super cute!

The week after Spring Break was formal! I have always wanted to go to one of these. It is just like prom for college. I loved since my friends so dressed up. The top pic is with my little! She is so sweet and adorable! I think Matthew might have even enjoyed formal more than I did ;)

I am very sad to see the school year coming to a close. Even those around me can tell I am not a fan of it. I am a bit excited for my first summer in Chapel Hill!

What has the end of the semester looked like for you?


Parents' Weekend + Young Life Leader Placement

On Saturday, my family arrived in Chapel Hill for brunch at my sorority house made by our wonderful Chef Mark! French toast, cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, and omelets galore!

After brunch, my mom, sister, and I headed to the outlets that are about fifteen minutes away. I just rediscovered these outlets last weekend and I don't know why I haven't been shopping there more. They have such great deals!

For dinner on Saturday, we continued our shopping filled day by heading to the mall for more shopping and dinner at Firebird's! It was phenomenal!

On Sunday, we had a mother-daughter tea at The Carolina Inn. It was beautiful and the food was delightful. I personally have never been a fan of hot tea, but I added two lumps of sugar, some creamer, and honey and I think my life has been changed! The food we had was nothing short of amazing as well.

Once my family left after the much needed weekend, I headed over to a local church for Young Life leader placement! For those of you that do not know what Young Life is, it is a ministry that pursues local youth, by letting them be their complete selves and together follow the Lord. This is an experience I have always wanted to be apart of, but have been skeptical. So after much prayer, I was placed on UNC's College Life team! At first, I didn't think I would want College Life, but after hanging out with the team yesterday (who all have been my leaders this school year) I know this is where God wants me to be and I can't wait to love on some freshmen girls!!!

Statement Earrings

Hello y'all!

As Valentine's Day approaches, I have been L O V I N G everyone's gift ideas in the blogosphere! My family came up for Parents' Weekend for Alpha Chi which was a lot of fun. My mom brought me my Valentine's gift/ care package. She brought me bandages for my knee because I fell on Franklin Street after we beat dook. (A whole other story for another day) She also brought me heart sugar cookies, candy, and some new Stella & Dot earrings that I have been eyeing! This leads me to what I came here for: statement earrings.

This school year, I have really began to try to accessorize more and earrings are definitely the easiest place to start! Here are some that I have gotten this school year that I love!

Stella & Dot: These are the exact earrings my mom got me! I am wearing them as we speak. They are much smaller than most statement earrings which is great! I love how they mirror each other, it is kind of a mind trip and oh so fun!

J. Crew Factory: I bought these earrings last weekend for only $15! Such a great steal I must say and they will be perfect for my Spring Break trip to St. Augustine! I can't wait to done these with all white looks!

Bevello: I bought these earrings from Bevello at the beginning of the school year! I bought blue because they are p e r f e c t for game days in football season! They are super lightweight and super fun!

Nordstrom: I could not find an image online of my exact earrings, but these are very similar and are from Nordstrom as well. Instead of pink poms, mine are gray. My wonderful boyfriend bought me these as a part of my Christmas present, plus two other pairs of earrings that I love. I get so many compliments when I wear these! I would definitely say that these are very out of my comfort zone. The poms are extra soft as well!

I could go on for days about all of my statement earrings, but I will end it here! If you are skeptical about trying some of these more trendier earrings, Kendra Scott earrings are phenomenal! They are definitely statement pieces and are great investments. I have tons of Kendra Scott earrings myself...definitely approve. I am dying to get my hands on some of their new spring line! (especially THESE!) They have changed it up, but have kept Kendra's classic look! 

Are you into statement earrings?


January Recap

January is such a long month. So much happens. I came back to school from winter break and only completed half of a week of classes before we got snowed in for an entire week. Last week was actually my first FULL week of classes. That means recitations, work, and other obligations. I was tired to say the least!

For those of you that don't know, I attend UNC-Chapel Hill. Every semester it is a tradition to drink out of the Old Well before your first class each semester because it will give you a 4.0. I decided to give into peer pressure and try it out this semester. I'll keep you posted.

Here's an awkward selfie from the Clemson UNC game. Clemson has never won in Chapel Hill and they almost did on this night. Thank goodness they didn't! The game was a lot of fun. I surprisingly got really into it. Oh also this was the night before the snow day. They announced that classes were cancelled on the big screens and all the students went W I L D! The chancellor even got a cheer of her own!

Yes, I was that who had a photoshoot in the snow. It was not as glamorous as other people's on instagram. I would have taken pictures with my friends if I didn't live so far away from campus lol. I didn't leave my apartment for TWO days. I definitely got stir crazy. Thankfully we did not lose power or anything of the sorts.

And last weekend, I got to celebrate my friend, Barrett's, 21st birthday! It was so much fun to hang out with some of my closest and newest friends! We are doing it all again tonight before our cocktail with reservations for 22 at a Mexican restaurant, slightly obnoxious but I love it!!!!

How has your January been?

Happy Weekend!
