Hey y'all!!!! Today makes it officially ONE WEEK until I move back to Chapel Hill for the school, even though I've gone at least once a week since I moved back in early July. I am ready to establish an everyday routine tbh.
Since my junior year of high school, I used an LL Bean Deluxe book bag. Honestly it's still in good condition, but it kind of feels grimy even though I have washed it (I mean four years of using backpack... think of all of the places its been...) so I wanted to change it up for senior year and be a little more sanitary. I really did not want to splurge though.
I tried using a North Face backpack last year which ended up being EXTREMELY heavy without anything in it. (I don't remember the style but I know it wasn't the typical Jester or Recon that most people use). I switched back to my trusty LL Bean by the end of my first week. It was great since I lived so far from campus, I could really load up on everything I needed for the day since I would be out of my apartment from 8-6 most days.
This year I am using the Kanken backpack. I had a gift card to Great Outdoor Provisions since Christmas and decided that after nearly a year later that I should put it to use. I also signed up for their emails and got 10% off my purchase. I definitely got this backpack at a great price. I have been eyeing these for years, but knew they would be too small for all I would need especially during my high school career. This year I am living a BLOCK from campus. Literally will be a 10 minute walk to most of my classes like how insane is that!? I know I will definitely not have to load up everything each day and I am not working on campus so there are not many "What-Ifs".
The backpack is a lot smaller than what I am used to, but I think it will prevent me from overpacking. Also, one of my MUST-HAVES on backpacks especially as a college student are side compartments to hold water bottles. That was a make-it or break-it deal when I was shopping around.
This year I decided instead of having an individual notebook for every single class that I instead use two 3-subject notebooks. I either have two classes a day or three classes a day so this works perfectly. This should keep my load a little lighter as well. I used a 2-subject notebook this summer for my 2 classes and it honestly just felt more efficient.
Also, the Kanken has a laptop sleeve (!!!) which I was not expecting or even looking for really but this will be perfect! I know my MacBook Air will fit perfectly because it is so slim. My Lenovo should fit as well, but it is just a little more bulky compared to my Mac.
My boyfriend gave me Emily Ley's Simplified Planner Daily Edition in the Minted Pineapple print for my birthday. I have ALWAYS loved Emily Ley, but could not let myself spend $60 on a planner. I really didn't know what to ask for this year and I saw this was the last print she had in stock, I had to ask for it. I couldn't deprive myself from Emily's genius any longer!
Last year, I didn't use up that many pens or pencils, but I cannot resist purchasing new ones for the school year. I purchased the Pilot Frixion pens. They are so cool because they erase with a rubbery-plastic end - an eraser that doesn't wear away! I bought this three pack of fancy mechanical pencils called Clearpoint that I have seen people use for ages. I think I used one of my sister's recently and found that they wrote really well!
Side note: Has anyone else felt like Target's school supply section is super empty this year?? Every time I go, there are a lot of empty shelves. I just can't believe people are buying that much supplies so early.
In addition to this, I found these supplies at Target. Initially in the school supply section. I had the Frixion pens in red, black, and blue. In the back of my mind I knew I would never use the red, but I wanted the Frixion pens. Secondly, there was a two pack of the same pencils for like a $1.50 more which I thought was ridiculous, but it's the price you pay for quality products but I knew other places had them for a little cheaper. I decided to look in the office supplies section just to double check. I actually found this ALL BLACK set of Frixion pens for $1 cheaper and this THREE set of Clear Point pencils for $1.50 cheaper.
In short, if you want some of the less basic type of school supplies make sure you aren't getting scammed!!!! I was really proud of myself for finding these bargains.
What school supplies are you using this year?
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