Charleston Recap

A couple of weekends ago my mom and I ventured to Charleston. Since the beginning of Southern Charm, the Bravo series just recently ending its 5th season, I have longed to visit the Holy City. The trip was a nice mom-daughter get away before I headed back to school this past week and a great way to continue my 21st birthday celebration. This recap is long overdue and probably will not do the trip justice.

Upon arrival on Thursday, we had dinner at The Charleston Grill. It was fabulous! My mom and I decided to just order a bunch of smaller plates instead of splurging on large ones that we would probably not finish. We told the waiters that we here in Charleston to celebrate my birthday and they surprised us with glasses of dessert wine and this variety plate of sweets at the end of our meal. I thought it was so nice of them! 

(Isn't my mom so FAB!?)

Friday was spent exploring the city with lots of shopping!  I got lots of transitional pieces for the fall that I cannot wait to wear while we were out and about! I really enjoyed going to the market. We went on Thursday, but it was very overwhelming to say the least. But we went back on Friday and I found some souvenirs. I really want to get a hand weaved straw basket one day! We had lunch at Poogan's Porch surrounded by three different bachelorette parties. (They were e v e r y w h e r e!!!)

On Saturday, my mom and I went to Middleton Place, a well-known Charleston Plantation. I had read a lot of mixed reviews on visiting plantations when planning our vacay, but I had never seen one before and they were advertised quite a bit around the town. After some brief research Thursday night, we found that Middleton Place had the best reviews overall, not to mention they had a dining option! The food was great! It has been very rainy in Charleston according to the locals, which made for a very peaceful day on the plantation. The rain held off thankfully once we were there! The house in the picture above is actually one of the side houses of the property. The main house was burned  during the Civil War and ultimately collapsed during an earthquake in the 1880s and along with the other side house. The house that remains has been remodeled and restored on the inside to resemble what the main house would have looked like during its peak. Members of the Middleton Family donated many of their possessions to the property for tourists to see.

I thoroughly enjoyed our trip and was much needed if I do say so myself! I cannot wait to go back one day!


Mini Back to School Haul!!!

Hey y'all!!!! Today makes it officially ONE WEEK until I move back to Chapel Hill for the school, even though I've gone at least once a week since I moved back in early July. I am ready to establish an everyday routine tbh. 

Since my junior year of high school, I used an LL Bean Deluxe book bag. Honestly it's still in good condition, but it kind of feels grimy even though I have washed it (I mean four years of using backpack... think of all of the places its been...) so I wanted to change it up for senior year and be a little more sanitary. I really did not want to splurge though. 

I tried using a North Face backpack last year which ended up being EXTREMELY heavy without anything in it. (I don't remember the style but I know it wasn't the typical Jester or Recon that most people use). I switched back to my trusty LL Bean by the end of my first week. It was great since I lived so far from campus, I could really load up on everything I needed for the day since I would be out of my apartment from 8-6 most days.

This year I am using the Kanken backpack.  I had a gift card to Great Outdoor Provisions since Christmas and decided that after nearly a year later that I should put it to use. I also signed up for their emails and got 10% off my purchase. I definitely got this backpack at a great price. I have been eyeing these for years, but knew they would be too small for all I would need especially during my high school career. This year I am living a BLOCK from campus. Literally will be a 10 minute walk to most of my classes like how insane is that!? I know I will definitely not have to load up everything each day and I am not working on campus so there are not many "What-Ifs". 

The backpack is a lot smaller than what I am used to, but I think it will prevent me from overpacking. Also, one of my MUST-HAVES on backpacks especially as a college student are side compartments to hold water bottles. That was a make-it or break-it deal when I was shopping around.

This year I decided instead of having an individual notebook for every single class that I instead use two 3-subject notebooks. I either have two classes a day or three classes a day so this works perfectly. This should keep my load a little lighter as well. I used a 2-subject notebook this summer for my 2 classes and it honestly just felt more efficient. 

Also, the Kanken has a laptop sleeve (!!!) which I was not expecting or even looking for really but this will be perfect! I know my MacBook Air will fit perfectly because it is so slim. My Lenovo should fit as well, but it is just a little more bulky compared to my Mac. 

My boyfriend gave me Emily Ley's Simplified Planner Daily Edition in the Minted Pineapple print for my birthday. I have ALWAYS loved Emily Ley, but could not let myself spend $60 on a planner. I really didn't know what to ask for this year and I saw this was the last print she had in stock, I had to ask for it. I couldn't deprive myself from Emily's genius any longer!

Last year, I didn't use up that many pens or pencils, but I cannot resist purchasing new ones for the school year. I purchased the Pilot Frixion pens. They are so cool because they erase with a rubbery-plastic end - an eraser that doesn't wear away! I bought this three pack of fancy mechanical pencils called Clearpoint that I have seen people use for ages. I think I used one of my sister's recently and found that they wrote really well! 

Side note: Has anyone else felt like Target's school supply section is super empty this year?? Every time I go, there are a lot of empty shelves. I just can't believe people are buying that much supplies so early. 
In addition to this, I found these supplies at Target. Initially in the school supply section. I had the Frixion pens in red, black, and blue. In the back of my mind I knew I would never use the red, but I wanted the Frixion pens. Secondly, there was a two pack of the same pencils for like a $1.50 more which I thought was ridiculous, but it's the price you pay for quality products but I knew other places had them for a little cheaper. I decided to look in the office supplies section just to double check. I actually found this ALL BLACK set of Frixion pens for $1 cheaper and this THREE set of Clear Point pencils for $1.50 cheaper. 

In short, if you want some of the less basic type of school supplies make sure you aren't getting scammed!!!! I was really proud of myself for finding these bargains. 

What school supplies are you using this year?


Dealing with Comparison

For me, my summer's are usually spent traveling to places across the United States whether it be Florida or somewhere out west. I honestly felt like I was extremely cultured compared to people in my small hometown (and I probably still am), but my mindset has completely changed this summer. So many people I have met at college have gone abroad and for some this isn't their first time in the last year! People are not only going to Europe, but to Jerusalem, Australia, and parts of Asia...places I can never imagine going.  I catch myself thinking I will never be able to spend a semester away like that...

This summer I have one vacation planned which I leave for TOMORROW (!!!!) and I am so excited to be headed to Charleston and to be somewhere new. This is rare that I do not really go anywhere until the end of the summer, but this is partially due to me being in summer school. 

But with social media, I feel like my weekend trip does not equate to the dozens of girls who have studied abroad or who have gone to exotic places with their families. I know social media is just a highlight reel of everyone's trips because strangely enough, many people say upon returning from their abroad trips that their time was actually very lonely. And I just sit there like ???? You were on the trip of a lifetime.... (Disclaimer: I am not trying to put down people who went abroad, I have been abroad before for a few days and it was amazing!)

I honestly do not handle jealousy or FOMO very well. I feel like I haven't done enough with what I've been given and this summer I really found myself thinking like this. Inevitably, I have unfollowed the people that I don't really interact with, but are constantly going places this summer. For me, this is a way of me making strides to compare less and enjoy what I've been given more (no matter how harsh people may think I'm being towards others).  I just have to remember that I cannot always sit and be down on myself about my current situation and to instead relish in my slow, easy summer before the school year kicks in because honestly after the school year I had, I really did need time to get myself together mentally more than a trip thousands of miles away. I know that my trip with my mom will be more meaningful to us given the season of life we are in at this very point in time.

For those of you who have spent their summer at home and/or close to home, have you felt like this?
