There is only one word to describe this time as... weird. Truly no one knows what they're doing some days.
When schools closed a little over a month ago, I wasn't sure of how to react. In some ways, I was relieved because I had a lot of overwhelming events to plan that ultimately were cancelled. I was scared because I didn't know what quarantine would look like. I was also stressed from the adjustments that I had to make while working from home. The first two weeks of it were pretty awful. Not in the sense of not be able to go anywhere, but just the fact that there was so much unknown and I didn't know how to communicate those feelings. Then, the third week rolled along and I had a better understanding of what was going on and why we were social distancing. And it most certainly helped that more and more people were sharing these exact same feelings as me. Now I am on my fifth week of social distancing and it has become to feel like the new norm...
I do want to address how blessed I am to be able to continue to work and get a paycheck. The longer this goes on, the more thankful I have become. This time at home has given me more time to look for new jobs (I am optimistic!) as my service year comes to a close. I have a little less than two months before this becomes a pressing issue for me, but I know that there are others out there that are under a lot more pressure.
I find it so interesting to see how some people are reacting to the quarantine. I live in an area that has a low population density, so there are a wide range of reactions. Some are social distancing more than others is all I will say on that.... My school is on "spring break" this week which has been a nice reprieve from working even though I am not going anywhere. But with work, I have been able to keep myself somewhat busy throughout the days and not giving me the opportunity to get completely bored. I have been using this time to exercise more regularly through walks, pure barre classes, and youtube. I also am trying to do a one second everyday video and am using Duolingo to brush up on my Spanish (not that I've ever been fluent, but I did take 4 levels in high school and 3 in college!)
How are you feeling in the midst of all of this?
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