Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

Yes, I am soooo hopping on this organization train! I used to be very organized in early high school and probably up until college when my days began to vary SO MUCH. I've been wanting to get back into a routine of it all and Netflix released this series at the perfect time. 

I started watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo while I was at home for Christmas break. At this point, I don't really have a lot of stuff at home and the stuff I do have, I don't use a lot. I keep those things at home because I don't wear use them enough, but am not ready to let go for the most part. 

I brought quite a few things home from my room at the sorority house. I anticipated I would be getting a good amount of clothes from Santa, so I didn't bring too many home. I brought a lot of small things as well. 

After watching two episodes of the show, I got to tidying. I went through all of my t-shirts, leggings, pants, pajamas, and closet. I realized that many things I was holding onto were not necessarily sparking joy. Tidying up my room at home was nowhere near as fun as it was when I returned back to school, especially since the items at home were not being used regularly anyway. 

Amongst the many things I brought back to school with me, I also found Marie Kondo's book at my house. I knew my mom had read it a while back and many people raved about it as well prior to the show. Hopefully, I can find downtime to read it, but it is so hard with school (and not having a space completely of my own) to sit to read for fun and be able to reorganize every single thing.

When I got back to school, between unpacking, finding joy and folding, I spent about two hours reorganizing my room. Unfortunately, I was unable to get rid of too many things because I can't let go of my sorority t-shirts just yet. The most calming part for me was the folding. I really felt connected (it sounds weird I know) and it made me feel like I had a grip on this goal of organization I had been longing for this past couple of years. Granted, space in my home is very limited as I share it with three other girls, but I was able to fold my pants and t-shirts (disclaimer: I still had too many t-shirts).

I am trying to keep my bed made every day. It always feels so much better in my room when I do this. I know it doesn't look super neat, but it's a super small space!

My space for jeans is super limited! Th KonMari folding did not work out as well with the space I have, but they are all folded nonetheless.

Again, my space is limited, but I made a stack of my shorts and folded my leggings and sweatpants in the KonMari style! It was oh-so calming!

Folding my t-shirts was my favorite part! I definitely have some attachment issues to them though. I can revisit this afer I graduate but for now, I mostly live in t-shirts so I wasn't super picky.

I can honestly say I had such a great week last week! Although starting a new semester is always a bit overwhelming for me, I really felt like I took the week by the horns! I even woke up at 7:30 and ran errands SATURDAY MORNING. It's crazy what a little bit of organization can do you for your mind. 

Have you tried tidying up your life? What has it done for you?

Goals for the New Semester

In light of the new year, I thought I would share some goals I have for myself. I am not one to necessarily have resolutions nor am I one to stick to them, but going into my FINAL semester, I feel like I should document what I want to accomplish in the coming months.

Make Healthier Choices: Yeah, yeah something about being healthy had to be put up here. I really got into going to fitness classes on campus and I hope I can continue to get over my fears and go more often. Going to fitness classes alone really scares me, I did it once last semester and it was fine! Having my friends tag along is always more fun! I also want to drink more water. Over break, I know I didn't drink nearly enough water like I should have and I always drink more at school. I want to be more intentional and consume more if possible.

Procrastinate Less: I'll be honest, this past semester was the best I have ever done while at Carolina. My teachers for 3/5 of my classes gave us daily reading questions that actually kept me more focused on assignments. I still managed to procrastinate papers. I'm seriously the worst about this. Like I will start them DAY OF and freak myself out and tears were almost always shed. Here's to being better about that whether it be just writing a page or two BEFORE the actual due date!

Establish a Routine: I really want to get better about waking up 30 minutes before class starts and scrolling through my phone in bed and all that jazz. My alarm is always set for an hour before I need to leave for class, but I spend to much time in bed. Hopefully this semester I will get up and scroll through my socials while I drink my coffee (also something I am trying to get into bc I am tired... A LOT) I think a routine will improve my mood and focus throughout the day. And this also includes adding a gym routine!

Have More Patience:  Whew! Now if this isn't something noteworthy. I am not a patient person, in fact I'm more on the temperamental side of things. I let small things bother me like nobody's business. This semester I want to try to be calmer which is a hard thing to say as someone who HAS NO IDEA OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING NEXT YEAR. But I want to incorporate this throughout my day to day life with my roommates, friends, and boyfriend.

What goals do you have for the new semester?!
