Srat Life

Hello everyone!!

School has been c r a z y!! Classes are really gearing up... I turned in my first paper last week (Chicago style, mind you) and it was very stressful. First of all, I have no idea of how to use Chicago style. Footnotes are so confusing and microsoft word kept messing up as I was creating the footnotes. Honestly the paper drained me soooo much that I literally did no work the rest of the week, which I know is really bad! In my defense, I have crazy anxiety and first graded assignments tear me up inside! I woke up the next morning with one of my classic post stress headaches which are the WORST.

In more exciting news: I received a bid from Alpha Chi Omega!!!

Tbh, before even enrolling at Carolina Alpha Chi was always a sorority that captured my attention. Then, during the first round (which is a whirlwind) I just had this feeling like "yessss, that's where I want to be" Now, I did have a fairly open mind for all of the other sororities on campus and it wasn't the only one I pictured myself at either, but I had good feeling from the get go. Our bid day theme was "Alpha Chi Land"  like candyland. It was super cute. Everyone was super friendly.

I am really excited for the rest of the semester with all of my new sisters!!

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